Friday, August 12, 2022

Are you Aware of Signs of Mental Illness in Children?


Parents may find it challenging to recognize a child's mental condition. Many kids who could benefit from treatment don't receive it as a result. Understand the signs of childhood mental illness and find how to support your child.

What is Mental Illness in Children?

The whole state of your thinking, emotion control, and behavior is referred to as your mental health. Patterns or changes in thought, mood, or behavior that cause distress or impair a person's capacity to function are referred to as mental illnesses or mental health disorders.

Children's mental health disorders are generally characterized as delays or disruptions in the development of thinking, acting, socializing, or emotion regulation in accordance with age. Children who have these issues find it difficult to operate normally at home, at school, or in other social environments.

The following are red flags indicating your child may have a mental health disorder:

  • enduring depression that lasts for two weeks or longer
  • avoiding or withdrawing from social contacts
  • causing oneself harm or discussing one's own harm
  • discussing a death or a suicide
  • high impatience or outbursts
  • Uncontrolled actions that may be harmful
  • abrupt changes in personality, behavior, or mood
  • shifts in dietary patterns
  • gain less weight
  • Inability to fall asleep Regular headaches or stomachaches
  • difficulty paying attention
  • Shifts in academic performance Skipping or refusing to attend school

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